Alexis Appel de Gardane

Product Developement Engineer

Python, C++, Numerical Simulation

About me

I am a product developement Engineer in numerical simulation, who leads leads software developments and simulation projects for industrial companies.

I am also someone who has a special interest in 3D technologies to render simulation results immersive.

My experience at Hexagon MI has provided me with a strong expertise by performing vibroacoustic, structure, fluid and acoustic development and simulations.

In this context, I bring my experience in multi-physics and programming skills to provide innovative solutions.

I also took part in Actran software development life cyle by being engaging in continuous software improvement with validation, detecting software bugs and improvements proposing.


Simulation Video

Simulation Gallery


2022 - Hexagon MI

Product Development Software Engineer - Python & C++ Programmer - Numerical Simulation

My Missions

Development of new features in Actran, matching with industrial expectations:
GUI, acoustic, aero-acoustic, vibro-acoustic, drivers, performances, bug fixes.

Participation to acoustic research topics
European Research Programs.

New technologies to be integrated in Actran.

Interfaces with third party software.

Identify software design problem and devise solution.

2012-2022 - Hexagon MI

Expert Engineer - Fluid Mechanics & Acoustics/Aeroacoustics - Python Programmer

My Missions

Project leader for acoustic consulting and research activities:
Aero/Vibro/Acoustic & CFD expertises.
Work coordination, meetings organisation, technical reports delivery.

Bringing Acoustic expertise and support to the customers:
Methodologies development and technologies transfer.
Direct support or on-site trainings.

Engaging in continuous software improvement:
Validating new software developments.
Detecting software bugs and propose improvements.

Performing marketing and pre-sale activities:
Creating and presenting scientific articles in conference.
Competing during software benchmark.

Programming and building numerical simulation process:
Pre/Post processing tools, automatic optimization process.
Agile method, GIT process.

My Application Fields

Acoustic treatment optimization in turbomachineries
Aeroacoustic noise reduction for rotating machineries
Steady/unsteady CFD computations for convected acoustic/aeroacoustic topics

Noise, Vibration and Harchness, cabin confort improvement
Aeroacoustic prediction of HVAC system or side mirror noise
Engine radiation noise, pass-by noise regulation

Automatic flow computation process based on fast CFD methods for turbomachineries
Optimization process by gradients method
Post processing and report generation

My International Experience

Long-term Missions:
3 months projects and pre-sales activities in the USA

Short-term Missions:
3 on-site missions for car manufacturers (6 weeks, USA)
Aero/Vibro/Acoustic Trainings (EU)

2012 - Airbus

Final Master Degree Project, Industrialization of an optimization software for flight mechanics simulation

2011 - EDF

Assistant Engineer in thermohydraulic simulation


Noise and vibration laboratory assistant

2009-2012 - Ecole Centrale Marseille

Master of engineering - Fluid mechanics and numerical methods

2011-2012 - Aix-Marseille University

Research Master - Meng Aerospace

2010 - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Erasmus Program - Fluid Mechanics, vehicle and aerospace engineering

2007-2009 - Lakanal Preparatory class for high scientific school (CPGE), Sceaux

Physics and Engineering Sciences (PSI*)


SIA Automotive NVH Comfort - Le Mans, France 2016

Numerical assessment of car pass-by noise - Renault/Free-Field Technologies

ICA - Aachen, Germany 2019

Numerical investigation of indirect combustion noise mechanisms in a nozzle - Safran Helicopter Engine/Free-Field Technologies

SFA Forum Acusticum - Lyon, France 2020

Validation of numerical approach for assessing the performance of a microphone mounting in flow condition - Airbus/Free-Field Technologies

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